Sunrise 2 Sunset

pic8pic5 pic6 pic7 pic4 pic1I’m a big fan of efficiency, especially after spending a few years in finance where personal time was really a luxury. You gotta make every second count you know? So if you’re like me, read on to find some time-saving style tips for your busy life.

If you work in a chill startup style office, opt for dresses that have a low back and turn them around for a plunge neckline to head straight to the bar/date night (see sample above available at Zara now in the ever so trendy celestial star print). On the other hand, if your office is a bit more conservative (I’m looking at you lawyers, consultants, bankers) try a backless top with a sharp black blazer over. I used to use this trick all the time, transitioning easily to dinner and drinks without any suspicion. Not to mention, I often kept blazers at the office so I had the added benefit of zero baggage for a fun night out!

To complete the look, keep some quick jewelry, a black eyeliner and bold lipstick in your purse to add a more dramatic effect before heading out of the office or en route!

Do you have any tricks up your sleeve? I’d love to know!


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